

Interested in learning more?

  • Register for one of my online or in person talks
  • gather a group of friends for a private talk (minimum 5)
  • follow the links below for well-informed articles on professional Homeopathic sites for correct information
  • choose a title from the reading list
If you have any specific questions about Homeopathy please don't hesitate to email me.

Every year I offer talks to the general public on a number of topics:-

Homeopathy for Pregnancy and Childbirth
A comprehensive talk introducing frequently used remedies for some common acute symptoms experienced during each trimester of pregnancy. Remedies you should not be without in the birth room and also some helpful remedies for after the birth for both Mother and baby.

Back to School
Homeopathic tips on how to keep your children healthy and happy during the school year: an introduction to the most helpful remedies for acute fevers, coughs and colds, as well as some remedies to help improve your child's behaviour.

First Aid Homeopathy for the Home
Practical advice and tips on which remedies to reach for before you rush off to Accident and Emergency or visit your GP. Often acute symptoms if treated as soon as they appear, can prevent the illness developing, or accelerate the healing process. All remedies are safe and effective the worst that can happen is that there are no changes to the symptoms if the incorrect remedy is chosen.

Homeopathy for Holiday Health
What are the most useful Homeopathic remedies to pack for your winter or summer holiday and how to use them. A practical guide to the most useful remedies for anything from shock, if you were in an accident, to food poisoning.

Homeopathy for Sports Injuries
A recent talk given just after the Olympics. Many professional athletes already use Homeopathy regularly - find out which remedies will help you recover from injury quicker and help keep you fit.


Menstruation, Moods and Menopause - Homeopathic help for Horrible Hormones
An introduction to the gentle power of Homeopathy through a selection of remedies which are commonly used to relieve such symptoms as irregular or painful menses, mood swings, menopausal hot flushes, irritability and lack of energy.

Managing Stress and Anxiety with Homeopathic Help
Homeopathic remedies have a deep healing effect on psychological and emotional symptoms. Gentle, effective, without side effects and non addictive, Homeopathy is always worth trying at the beginning of any change in your behaviour or sleep pattern. If you already are on medication prescribed by your Psychiatric physician Homeopathy can be taken alongside standard drug therapy without danger of interference with standard medication. Moreover Homeopathic medication can support patients who are able to reduce their dependence on allopathic medication, if this has been first agreed by your Psychiatric or General physician.

Homeopathy in Kolkata, India Feb 2020
In India 10% of the population, that is over 100 million people routinely use Homeopathy as their first choice of medicine when they fall ill. In Kolkata alone, there are over 44,000 Homeopathic doctors.
In Feb 2020 I attended post graduate clinical training (10 days) in Kolkata, India taught by 5th generation Homeopaths. An inspiring and intense 10 days in which I participated in city, slum and rural clinics listening to all the health issues that the local population suffered from. I learnt how to prescribe more quickly, how to use lesser known remedies and how important Homeopathic medicine is to the Indian population.

Want to learn more? Would you like to join a zoom presentation on Homeopathy in India ? Contact me for more information.

Useful Links to Articles about Homeopathy

How does Homeopathy compare to other forms of medicine?
Here is an educational article which clearly explains the similarities and differences between Homeopathy and other forms of Natural medicine. I am always being asked what the difference between Homeopathy and Naturopathy is. The question is answered here:


My article on Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Faculty of Homeopathy, UK
Scientific evidence and Homeopathy ~ by the late Dr Peter Fisher

Natural News, US -
Nobel Laureate Luc Montaignier supports the Science of Homeopathy - Dana Ullman

Reading List

Homeopathic Remedies - A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and Their Homeopathic Treatments - Asa Herschoff ND - Avery 2000

An informative and clear guide for both homeopaths and the general public.

Homeopathy for Children - Pinto & Feldman 2000 ~ A Parent's Guide to the Treatment of Common Childhood Illnesses
A clear and practical guide for parents to use at home for minor illnesses and first aid.

Homeopathy for Mother and Baby - Miranda Castro 1992 ~ Pregnancy, birth and the post-natal year
A detailed, informative guide for parents to be and parents of infants written by a Homeopathic physician.

The Vaccine-Friendly Plan - Paul Thomas M.D. and Jennifer Margulis PH.D
A clear and sensible guide from Dr Paul Thomas if you wish a well researched medical guide.

Homeopathy and Autism Spectrum Disorder - A Guide for Practitioners and Families - Mike Andrews DSH, RSHom (UK)
A clearly written guide to the treatment of ASD using Homeopathy.